Monday, August 24, 2009

Wind Caves National Park, SD

This is the Wind caves discovered in Custer National Park. American Indians first knew about these wind caves and regarded them as a sacred place. The entrance was noticed by two brothers, Jesse and Tom Bingham. They heard a loud whistling noise, which led them to a small hole in the ground, the cave's only natural opening. This is the place in the next photo. As I remember the story, it was Jesse's son, Alvin, who at the age of 16 first went exploring the caves and mapping them out. He even got to a point where he took people on tours. The first tours were about 5 hours in the cave and cost $2.00, which was an average weeks wage.

This Wind Cave is one of the longest caves in the world and has an amazing amount of a rare cave formation called box work. Can you see the box work? Box work looks like cardboard boxes that are real small. The tour was great and very interesting.

John and I 180 feet under ground.....

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