Monday, September 21, 2009

East Coastal Drive

This map is showing the East Coastal Drive in King's County of PEI. We had wanted to take the drive up to the East Point Lighthouse. And I had read about some great real great beaches on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic side of the island. "Let's walk some beaches today, John".
What a wonderful drive. One of the quaintest towns we came across was St. Peters. It looked like right out of a story book. Everything is so pristine and well groomed that it is hard to believe it is real.

Us on one of the beaches. It was just beautiful and we had a nice long walk. We found several shells and some two colored sandstone.
East Point lighthouse. They had a tour and it was great. The guide had a lot of very interesting information..... such as....
Did you know why the later lighthouses only have 4 sides?
What did they use in the plaster to give it strength (easy to come by) to use on the inside walls?
What liquid, that would not freeze, was used to operate the gears of the lighthouse?
Why did this lighthouses need to be moved?
Coming up to the top floor in the lighthouse. It was very interesting to see where the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of St. Lawrence meet. You can see where the gulf and the Ocean waves come together and you can see a line going right up the water. We could not believe what we saw.

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